Art for the AF WKLY

Hello visual artists! I send an email newsletter to about 50,000 people every Friday. Atop each of these issues is an image space. (See the screenshot at right, or check out the archive.) Starting in 2021, I’ll be featuring work by visual artists in this space.

I’m looking for artists who are interested in licensing their work to me for use in the newsletter. The details:

  • Compensation is $150 per image. I won’t be commissioning original work, just paying for permission to reprint an existing image from your archive.

  • Rights/usage: These images will be sent out an edition of my Friday newsletter, then live in my newsletter archive, but will not be used anywhere else. You retain all rights.

  • Format: I’ll be looking for work that fits into the horizontal space I have. (If it’s not already sized to 600x300 px, be aware that you or I will need to crop it.) Digital illustration, hand-painted/drawn, photography— all visual media is in play!

  • Promotion: When I feature your work, I will also link to your portfolio, online shop, social media, etc. in the caption and as the click-through on the image itself.

If you’re interested in being one of the featured artists, please fill out the form below, and I’ll be in touch in January. We’ll correspond about specific images, process, and payment from there.